The primary mission of Wallerstedt Library is to be the most valuable resource for academic success outside of the classroom. The space provides electronic and physical resources, active collaborative spaces, and quiet areas for study.
Bethany manages all career services matters – including on-campus employment and external job/internship listings – through the innovative Handshake platform. Students and recent alumni can access Bethany’s Handshake network and set up a profile using their email address. For career services inquiries, please reach out to the Student Affairs Coordinator located in the Philblad Union.
Peer tutors provide free one-on-one tutoring services to Bethany College students. Peer tutors are excellent students in their subject area with outstanding peer-support skills. We all need a little help and feedback at some point. When you need extra support with a specific subject or general help with study skills, reading strategies or writing a paper, don't wait until you're underwater to raise your hand.
Test proctors are also available for students who have unavoidably missed a test and their professor permits taking the test at a different time.
Book an appointment with a tutor or test proctor through Academic Support or with the QR codes on bulletin boards around campus. Tutors are available in Social Science Room 21.
Bethany College is committed to helping every student succeed. This includes providing an equitable and inclusive learning environment in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you had an IEP or 504 in high school or have a documentable disability, we want to provide you with reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments. Common assistance includes note takers, extended time, testing in a distraction free environment, and accessible classrooms. These accommodations can make a big difference in your learning experience. But you must reach out to claim them.
To receive these benefits, complete or with the QR codes on bulletin boards around campus. For any questions regarding this process, contact the Director of Academic Support Reb Miller or schedule an in person appointment .
Make contact within the first week of classes to get ahead of any problems you may encounter. (But if you decide later in the semester to activate these provisions, please contact Reb Miller as soon as possible.)
Note: Requesting accommodations in college is not like high school. The college student is responsible for disclosing their disability or learning difference to the Director of Academic Support Reb Miller and must provide documentation (which can include an IEP or 504).
Every incoming first-year student has been assigned a first-year advisor to personally help them navigate the challenges of starting college. If you have trouble finding their name, contact Reb Miller.
For questions regarding any of these resources contact Director of Academic Support Reb Miller or schedule an in person appointment .
The Student Handbook, published electronically by the Student Affairs Office annually, is made available to each student of Bethany College. It is the primary source regarding the College's policies for students and the expectation for students to uphold Bethany's Community Standards. The Handbook also includes the resources available to students through the Student Affairs Office, including various campus services and opportunities for involvement in clubs and organizations. Students are requested annually to acknowledge that they have read and will abide by the spirit of the policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook.
Bethany College has partnered with Student Assist by Optum, which gives students 24/7/365 access to Master's-Level consultants to help students take the next steps for a variety of concerns, big and small, like: relationship and family problems; school and workplace conflicts; stress, anxiety, and depression; legal and financial concerns; and much, much more. Students can use the website or call the Bethany specific Student Assist hotline at 877-369-2013 to connect with powerful tools and knowledgeable consultants. More information on the Student Assist Program can be found in the Student Handbook.
Providing for the safety and well-being of members of the Bethany College community is the major responsibility of Student Affairs personnel. In an emergency situation, the first step should always be to call 911 to connect with the McPherson County dispatcher. Once 911 is called, para-
professional Resident Assistants should be contacted to assess the situation and bring in support from full-time, professional Residence Life staff. Students should only elect to first call Resident Assistants, rather than 911, in situations that do not require the presence of police, emergency medical professionals, firefighters, or other local emergency personnel.
Begin the journey down your path.

J.E. and L.E. Mabee Welcome Center
800.826.2281 x 8113
785.227.3380 x 8113